Parenting Support

Pregnancy & Beyond

​Whether your pregnancy was planned or unplanned, you may have questions about pregnancy and parenting. We offer one-on-one education, group classes, material aid, resources, and referrals to other community organizations, we can help you find the support you need to thrive.

If you are unsure what to do, schedule an options consultation appointment today. We can also provide ultrasound confirmation and give you the information you need to plan your next steps.

Get the Care You Need

So you can confidentially say,

this is MyChoice.

Parenting Support and Resources

Let’s be honest: parenting is hard. And children are expensive. You may be having mixed emotions; that’s completely normal. All moms want to be a good one. Let us help. 

Orange County has many resources that support new parents and young families. Even if you are doing it alone, there is help for you. If you are thinking about parenting but are nervous about childcare, your college journey, or how you will support yourself financially, we can help. Many community agencies are designed to help with those concerns, to help relieve some of the pressure you may feel. We can help connect you with local resources.

You may be saying “If I’m doing this, I want to do it on my own” and we applaud your strength and independence! You can do hard things but don’t be afraid to ask for help, even if it’s for a short period of time. 

Resources like financial assistance are designed to be a soft landing for people in unexpected predicaments, like unexpected pregnancies. Taking advantage of them for a little while can help take the financial pressure off, so you don’t feel like abortion is your only choice.

Parenting Classes

Many people who want to parent may have questions and concerns about single parenting, continuing their education, financial stability, and other topics. Whether you are a student, single mom, or just need extra support, we can answer your questions and connect you to additional resources in our community. At the center, we provide prenatal and parenting education on pregnancy, baby care, health, birth, parenting, budgeting, and more.

Housing Assistance

Having unstable housing can be really overwhelming, even is you’re not pregnant. There are many resources in Orange County and beyond.

Maternity Homes are residential style houses, and can provide stable, long-term, supportive housing for you and the baby, all for free. Most programs are subject to application acceptance.

Contact us today if this is an option you would like to know more about.